Sherpa 案内人
we are still reeling from a storm よろめいている
if you're my neck of the woods 近所
as always いつもどおり
slap in the face 顔を平手打ちする
solidarity 団結、結束、一致、連帯
is affected 影響を受けた
do not forget to V
reach out to sb
lean on X 寄りかかる
relief 安心
reside 住む
dwelling 住居
casa 家(スペイン語
crib ベビーベッド
pad 家、部屋

Veritas branded LinkedIn talk show / the
number one highest rated talk show / as
rated by my parents yes / I'm talking of
course about Veritas live / so happy
you're here / I'm your host / I'm your guide /
I am your conversational Sherpa this
morning / and I'm excited to get into it
as always / I am broadcasting to you from
my remote home office in Central Florida /
where we are still reeling from a storm
that hit us last week / if you're in my
neck of the woods uh yeah / hurricane went
and came by and / just gave us a nice high
five / or slap in the face / depending on
where you are solidarity / if you were on
the coast or affected by this storm / well
wishes to you do not forget to reach out
to somebody / let's lean on each other / if
we need some relief here / but enough
about Florida / I want to know about you /
where are you tuning in from where in
the world / are you / where do you reside /
your home your house your boat your
dwelling your casa your crib your pad /
wherever it is you are / we want to know
about it / my favorite part about having a
live environment like this is we get to

engage with one another so I've got my

comment Box open I'm trying to multitask

I'm reading I want to give you a shout

out and I want to engage with you this

morning so send some love in the

comments send a poem a haiku equip a

coral whatever it may be uh go ahead you

know I'll wait I'll wait for some

interaction here

and while you're doing that if you'd

like to use the hashtag veritaslive you

will earn yourself an additional brownie

point or five and those brownie points

are great because they can be redeemed

for pencils and pens and highlighters

and if you earn up enough brownie points

even a pizza party for your team so do

that engage with us Veritas hashtag live

veritaslife thank you but today we've

got a great episode it's October which

means Halloween is right around the

corner that's right spooky season is

among us but what's even spookier than

ghosts goblins and ghouls is

cyber threats so October also marks the

beginning of cyber security awareness

month and we've been doing episodes all

around Cloud this season but in

conjunction with cyber security

awareness month we are going to talk

about all things edrm that's the

electronic Discovery reference model oh

we've got some uh nor let's see

Connecticut New York New York Norway all

right we've got someone all the way from

Norway how about that so I want to know

about edrm as it relates to the cloud

what are we doing to keep things secure

privacy how are we discovering against

information in this new multi-cloud

environment this hybrid Cloud world that

that we're all entering into so edrm

when we talk about edrm we think about

uh really Global standards or practices

to make sure that we can improve upon

e-discovery privacy security information

government governance it's those test

cases those data sets those best

practices it's adopted in 100 36

countries spanning across six different

continents it's incredibly important it

has such an Innovative support uh

support network for everybody who's

adopted this for the organizations the

individuals governments whatever it may

be where we're all learning and growing

together it's hugely important I want to

know how it's affected I want to know

really the importance of it how

organizations can adopt it what tools

they need I've got so many questions in

order to answer these questions I'm

going to need some insanely expert

guests and I've got them today please

welcome to the program I've got Greg

buckles from edj Group Incorporated

Buckle in for Greg Greg thanks so much

and I've got Irfan shatari he is

veritas's own director of e-discovery uh

and veritas lawyer is that correct

they're fun

yeah yeah we're I'm excited to be here

to talk to you about all things edrm

highlight of my legal career being on

Veritas live I love it Greg welcome to

the program

thanks a bunch Johnny welcome to glad to

be here and I know you've watched you

both watched every episode and I really

appreciate that you've studied the

program you know how this goes so before

we jump into it we always like to dip

our toes into the conversational Waters

we do this through a little Icebreaker

so I'm going to ask you both here it is

drum roll please what was your favorite

what's what's the most favorite

Halloween costume that you've had over

the years what got you the most

compliments what got you the most candy

what did you like and while you're

thinking about that same question goes

out to the audience they're full

transparency I have no plan this

Halloween so I want to see what worked

well what I could steal especially if

it's an easy costume I love it and a

shout out there to Saudi Arabia Dublin

we've got somebody in Houston turkey

India I love it keep the comments coming

uh but I'll pass it to you guys Irfan

Greg whoever wants to go first Halloween

costume let's hear it

I was lucky one year to get invited to

uh the old days uh an Oingo Boingo Dead

Man's Party and a buddy of mine's a doc

a teaching doc so he loaned me one of

their Scout one of their teaching

skeletons and I built a seven foot

um you know essentially Grim Reaper you

know with the whole all the all the the

the the head was about two foot above me

and it was a lot of fun

oh my gosh a full-on grim reaper I think

that beats my uh Rambo costume where I

just had a red scarf on my head so yeah

you win that Irfan should you have gone

first did he I know that's a good one uh

and I gotta say like I haven't been

super creative with costumes for

Halloween I went as terrible Terry Tate

the linebacker

um in the commercials from Super Bowl a

couple years ago and that went well but

I got to be honest with you Johnny I'm

looking forward to this year's costume

I'm dressing up as Johnny King from

Veritas live oh my gosh I can't wait

you're gonna have to do the sunken eyes

you're gonna have to do that you have to

shave your face it's gonna be great it's

gonna be great oh that's hilarious I'm

gonna I'll probably go this the same

thing you know it's great being having a

talk show like this because I finally

got recognized for the first time uh it

was my wife who recognized me but it

still felt equally great

oh I got this uh when will Aaron judge

hit number 62. all right we've got some

conversations about Aaron did you see

that guy uh who tried to catch the 61st

ball he dropped it

oh so much money you just left lost I

missed these big moments in your life oh

it's tough it's tough all right let's

jump into it uh moving right along Greg

first question I got for you is really

what is what is the edrm uh in layman's

terms and what makes it so important you

got it

back in the late 90s when email first

hit and started to be showing up in

Discovery requests which is what we call

anytime somebody asked the company the

lawyers get asked hey give me everything

about this contract this person

in that time period we were suddenly

seeing email and Native files

showing up they were getting printed but

there wasn't a model and there wasn't a

way to talk

back and forth between consumers vendors

technologists and so the electronic

Discovery reference model was built

really to give a vocabulary

to the market so the market could

understand this life cycle of

information governance where the data is

generated what the lawyers have to do to

preserve it collect it review it and

then finally how it gets used as

evidence in court so that whole model

really it's a definition of process for

us and it was aspirational in the

beginning in the 90s and for some people

it still is

for others they've invested heavily in

it in their technology and and so now

they have a it's more of a service model

and less of a fire drill every time they

get the subpoena that rolls in

yeah and Johnny just to add on to what

Greg mentioned I think it's important to

understand that we're having kind of a

chicken and egg conversation here is

that what came first high-end Stakes

litigation that we're requesting large

amounts of data within Discovery or uh

the Advent of email and uh they kind of

coincide with one another you had

electronic data kind of taking off

within corporate spaces but we're

talking about lawsuits here big lawsuits

that were taking place

um you know buzzwords from the 90s are

Enron and and those types of lawsuits

and so you had these high-stakes

litigation with electronic data and

corporations wondering okay we see what

enron's going through and the mess

that's about to be created there how do

we satisfy those requirements that

courts are asking Enron to follow that's

where the eprm gets invented they had

different phases for corporations to be

able to model and follow so that they

will be uh in conjunction with uh what

courts may ask for them as a part of a

litigation proceeding

yeah interesting yeah Enron haven't

heard that in a little while where uh I

know Greg you mentioned it a little

earlier when we were talking off off

camera about your work there well

they'll take your money and run

um you know what I'll see myself out

it's a live show not every joke works

but look we gotta you gotta swing every

now and then Aaron judge number 62

hashtag uh so Irfan then how are

companies now mapping and capturing data

across this new kind of multi-cloud

world that we're living in now yeah it's

a that's a really good question and I

think that as organizations start moving

into a multi-cloud environment they're

thinking about different configurations

and aspects of their environment but

perhaps though the one consideration

they aren't thinking about is Discovery

um and so uh we're very lucky that with

the edrm which we should take

give a shout out to the edrm folks

they've done a great job of always

adapting that workflow as technology has

changed it even in that multi-cloud

environment the first stage of the edrm

uh which is called information

governance didn't exist in its original

outset when EDR first created their

workflow but what information governance

does for corporations is prior to any

incident taking place prior to any

triggering action taking place you're

keeping a holistic initiative around uh

preserving data for litigation purposes

and that's going to span both a

multi-cloud environment as well as a

hybrid environment which we know a lot

of our organizations are in today

yeah and when you say Johnny it's like

how are people tracking it these days I

I did a session with a corporate client

yesterday where we walked through their

quote unquote data map and part of what

they have to do in the multi-cloud

environment in the new environment is

they actually leverage their purchasing

department and they flag on people's

corporate credit cards when they're

paying subscriptions to cloud services

so that they can go back and say no wait

a minute what are you using this for

what are you using that for and legal

has to get involved because if they're

using it for business and they end up in

an incident a lawsuit something else

where that data is important legal has

to go get it

so that's part of why the the

multi-cloud suddenly makes a huge change

in the last two to three years it's it's

skyrocketed every Department out there

somebody's using a new service to track

tasks or do something else that ends up

becoming relevant to us later

yeah and I imagine it's only getting

more and more relevant or it's only

becoming more and more of a of a problem

as was as we advance so I guess along

those same lines

how specifically or how else does edrm

increase privacy Protection security and

what are some of those other benefits uh

organizations will see if they apply to

those standards

I I would actually take you look back a

little bit in time and this is the fun

part is we started a lot of these

technology initiatives because the the

consequences of not being able to

preserve in an archive collect with an

appliance were so large

but legal technology was kind of The

Cutting Edge

and what we're now seeing is that same

technology is being applied in the

security it's being applied into privacy

all those classification systems and

everything else well when you add a

multi-million dollar a multi-billion

dollar lawsuit and you had to go through

Reams and reams of files

that's where a lot was developed so in

one sense the electronic Discovery World

is kind of driven the advancement of AI

into Data


or find anything to add there

no I mean I think it's a you know as it

relates to security uh you know there's

a double-edged sword with Cloud although

you've now moved your infrastructure off

of your own organization's I.T


um you you know you you do worry about

resiliency you do worry about

um you know backing up your data and

these are all principles that are

ingrained within the information

governance reference model which is that

first stage of the edrm we you know we

can always go uh Downstream on the EDM

talking about the collecting of data in

different Source locations but uh going

Upstream is is kind of the story now as

the whole infrastructure of of an I.T

organization of an organization's I.T

has changed and so um security become

it's a double-edged sword in the sense

that you've now placed data all over the

place and you're worried about

resiliency but clouds are always

monitored and so you do have this 24 7

monitoring that's going on uh not only

from our Veritas Cloud Solutions but as

well as other Cloud Solutions in that

Azure and AWS space so as it relates to

security the edrm provides a model to

have a more secure resilient robust I.T

environment while at the same time

eventually being able to explore and

collect that data as it relates to an

e-discovery request which seems

incredibly beneficial now you mentioned

you mentioned some solutions some

product sets too so I want to know being

who you are the director of e-discovery

strategy here what what is Veritas doing

for advanced e-discovery and how is that

I guess how does that play against some

of the other competitors in the space or

in the market

yeah I'm glad I get the time to talk

about this and don't turn off LinkedIn

live yet Johnny King's got some good

comments at the end as well but you're

right Veritas is in this e-discovery

space and we have been for quite a while

um as it relates to the edrm all vendors

want to be able to map their tool to

every phase of the edrm but we have too

many point Solutions in that e-discovery

market today and that's not to say

they're bad products they're just point

solutions they can't map to every phase

of the edrm they can only go to singular

phases where we feel we differentiate

ourselves is part of our Legacy we can

map to that entire edrm life cycle that

goes back to our Legacy of the

e-discovery startup that we acquired

that I was a part of when I got acquired

by Veritas and Greg was a part of on the

Symantec side when they acquired the

product which was clear well that was an

end-to-end e-discovery tool now it was

an on-premise solution it was an

application that was deployed heavily in

that federal government space as well as

public sector State spaces and then


um but Veritas continues to build upon

that Legacy of being an end-to-end edrm

solution with Veritas Advanced Discovery

as you mentioned uh Johnny it is a

cloud-based end-to-end solution with a

unique perspective of going Upstream on

the edrm not only do we have your

information governance policies and

initiatives intact with our archiving

Solutions uh Enterprise of all

Enterprise as well as our

data ownership and data detection with

data Insight but then we have our

Discovery solution and the ability to be

able to collect from all those different

sources we can go both at source and

collect the data as well as take the

data that you've already preserved as a

part of your information and governance

initiatives in your archive that's one

of the big value adds with Veritas

Advanced Discovery we go Upstream on the

edrm allowing you to be able to both

monitor capture and collect that data

and then go further Downstream to the

more bread and butter of e-discovery the

analysis and review and that export or a

defensible production to that opposing

party or regulatory Council so a huge

value proposition being able to map to

every phase of that edrm solution and

and that as we like to call it

internally the Veritas Advanced

e-discovery solution gives you that that

I like it it's a wonderful acronym rolls

off the tongue Greg what do we miss the

only thing I would add in there and this

is kind of

the point solution issue comes back to

bite folks because the friction between

moving data between different platforms

is underestimated and it slows things

down so when you have systems that are

integrated all the way Upstream into the

Microsoft 365 environment into your

various Cloud repositories that

Microsoft doesn't control and you can

bring it all into one platform or see it

in place

so that you can carry out that early

investigation that early assessment on

you know what's there who said what uh

what files are still running around

that's pretty critical what I see for

corporations that have kind of put

together a patchwork is they're

constantly having to move data

they've got to pull it out of one system

put it into the next system you know

they're assessing it with one system

they're reviewing it on another they

still have to move it out of all those

in order to get it processed that's

where it comes back to bite them and

it's not just the friction but it's also

the risk every time you transition data

there's a risk that it's going to get

transformed you're going to drop

metadata as things are going to happen

it comes back on folks it's it it really

is about going back to the early day

earliest days when the first archives

the first ever enterprise-wide Discovery

based search was the KVs platform which

has become Enterprise vault

and I used it during the Enron process

to actually stay out of jail

because I was I was on the hot seat for

the for the a for the AG to produce data

out and we use that platform to be able

to pull the information that was

provided for as one of the three players

in the Enron stuff so you've got that

Legacy that goes all the way back to the

late 90s early 2000s and that's what you

really want to be able to count on when

you're in the hot seat

yeah you know uh one thing to add on

Johnny and I would love to hear Greg's

thoughts on this as well I think as

e-discovery has evolved as this EDR has

evolved we went from what he's talking

about where the best uh corporations

were the ones who were archiving their

data and keeping it in a succinct place

um a lot of those organizations now are

trying to shift into this Microsoft 365

environment and that's fine but it may

not live up to the standards that

they've become accustomed to capturing

to for example a worm based storage


um or something that is compliant with

their with their you know Discovery

needs that they've already kind of shown

over the past few years but you know

Greg to your point and I'd be curious

about how you feel I think that with

edrm being the way it is it's going to

start looking more um at Discovery at

source because everyone is keeping their

data inside of Microsoft 365. and we get

it like you know as awesome as it is to

be able to collect data from all these

different content sources and all these

multi-cloud environments can I just

actually go go and do Discovery at the

source location kind of rummage through

my laundry and just pull the things I

need and move that data and not have to

pull as you said moving data from one

place to another it's just pulling that

one piece of data or this you know few

pieces of data that I would need for my

for specific investigation

because it's Irvine it's a numbers game

the corporations are very smart I do Roi

reviews on large Global corporations all

the time

in the end roughly about three percent

of the data that we Preserve in place

actually ends up to be relevant to a

given Discovery request that comes in

and if you pull all the the data for the

10 or 15 custodians that you've named in

that case it's a huge chunk of data and

you've got to move it and you've got to

process it you're going to do all that

stuff if it's in place and you can find

it search it and you pull the very

richest part of it you're still going to

get more than what that three percent

you're still going to get you know 10 12

15 but the return on investment for the

corporations is immediate

all of a sudden they're not moving the

data all of a sudden attorneys if

they're paying 500 plus dollars an hour

are no longer looking at non-relevant

data but that requires that rich

Upstream information governance it

requires classification to add what kind

of documents are these where do they

belong where in your business process do

they come from so that you can really

get the good stuff and you're no longer

pulling everybody's you know private

information you need to be able to

winnow out all the private stuff and you

need to be able to pull in what's

relevant to what they ask for at this

point yeah be a little bit more targeted

and I like that rummaging through your

dirty laundry doing 50 loads of laundry

and if if it's three percent you're

targeting you're really only getting one

sock there right

now my old team had I make t-shirts for

my old team it said we read your email


my team's chat as well uh asking for a

friend teams is Trump tough teams this


Veritas has been able to do it some of

the platforms have been able to bring it

over it's not just about getting the

chat though it's about rendering it back

into the context that makes sense that

it was sent in because right now

Microsoft they've gotten a little bit

better they're no longer giving you back

50 000 little one-liners

instead they're giving it to you now in

one day chunks

but a day chunk when you start a

conversation with three people in the

morning that is important and then you

spend the whole rest of your afternoon

chatting with somebody you're flirting

with free departments over you don't

want that part we don't want that part


I like it so it's it's teams teams is

there but you you know honestly

Microsoft is lagging on it because

they're working so hard to make it

available and to bring all the new

features to people to to do the business

process that e-discovery for them is

they have good partners like Veritas

they've they've got they've got they

they trust that they're Advanced

customers will be using a partner

product to do the the e-discovery part

of it

because their their rediscovery features

will will be there eventually

just don't try to ask them for things

like recordings and transcripts and

stuff like that sure and yeah it's it's

getting hard to find a customer that's

not on Office 365 and but when we're

talking about e-discovery and it really

supervision classification what we're

going to need it seems like they might

need a more robust approach

absolutely it's it's all about their

litigation profile do they get sued once

every decade or is it or is it literally

are they getting 10 10 Discovery

requests Center or Demands a day yeah

yeah and I think most vendors will tell

you that anyone who's become accustomed

to some of these Advanced e-discovery

Solutions in the market space has a

difficult time shifting over to a single

glass view from Microsoft they need a

more advanced solution and like like you

said it's going to depend on their

litigation and you know I think with

teams specifically we we need a proper

view for teams data we need a proper

understanding of collaboration data at

the judicial level at the court level

um uh so you'll start seeing uh

e-discovery vendors kind of follow suit

we were lucky enough that we were

developing our product at during the

time of covet and so we thought about uh

you know how are people communicating in

the workplace but then more than that

how will they be reviewing this data and

shout out to my you know my attorneys my

legal folks you know we were looking out

for them when we built our collaboration

view we wanted to make sure that it

wasn't under stood as an email that it

was understood as teams data and so we

provide efficiency by being able to

collect that Source now we provide a

transparency with our classification

policies but you know to the lawyers

that are out there watching yes we did

get rid of some of your billable hours

and so you're gonna have to work

elsewhere well said well hey as a

participant in two or three law school

parties I feel like I got one of those

shout outs I I I take that to heart but

hey Irfan I had uh some err fun with you

today hey it was awesome no I'm sorry I

shouldn't have done that either Greg

thank you so much thank you both for

joining us I really appreciate it

and jumping on so early uh but anyway

hey if you're out there thanks so much

for engaging it with us today thank you

so much for the comments uh stay tuned

for more Veritas is bringing you an

insanely Awesome event that conquer

every cloud it's an hour-long virtual

event October 19th hosted by none other

than Dr Ken Jung you know him from The

Hangover you know him from the mass

singer he is equal parts insightful and

hilarious so you're not going to want to

miss that and hey if you're there at 8am

join us Veritas live for something a

little earlier right before the kickoff

you're not going to want to miss it so

stay tuned we're going to have some fun

for that as well so again thank you

everybody out there thank you Greg and

Irfan I appreciate it love the

conversation and we'll see you back here

soon for the next episode see ya

bye everybody