Lang-8 にマイストーリー「Pyramid Logic」を投稿しました。


明日は、待ちに待った(うそ)な、会社の Global Business Player研修です。今月は、なんと、2日連続です。おそらく、脳みそがウニになると思います。

宿題で、前回習った Ten habits of highly successful global communicator の中で一番自分が大事だと思うことについてというお題で、マイストーリーを書いてこいとのこと。



Title:Use Pyramid Logic

Now, I will talk to you about "Use Pyramid Logic".

I learned ten habits of highly successful global communicator in the class of Global Business Player last mounth.

Ten habits are as follows.

 1. Project Confidence
 2. Use Pyramid Logic
 3. Keep Communication As Short As Possible
 4. Use Proper Tone
 5. Deliver ideas Logically
 6. Control with questions
 7. Participate activety
 8. Be win-win Problem solvers
 9. Persuade effecitively
10. Be assertive

I think the most important hatibts is "2. Use Pyramid Logic". Pyramid Logic is starting with your main point first and prioritizing details. It's simple, but doing it is very difficult for me. It's also difficult in native language. It's more difficult in English.

I would like to keep it in mind in a usual life. And, even if not conscious, I want to be able to use Pyramid Logic. Moreover, I would memorize the phrase of English which can be used on each scene, and want to be able to use.

Thank you.